5 Life Tips I Learnt from Transformational Expert Joanne Antoun

Joanne Antoun is an Australian transformational expert that helps people uncover their greatest potential, sort through their issues (and let’s be honest, we all have them) and stay guided on a path to happiness and accomplishment! If you are like me and love self-development and anything that is going to bring about a greater quality of life, inwards and outwards, you have come to the right place!Here are 5 powerful tips we can take on board, ponder over and apply to our lives now!

1.The Law of Attraction is real!

In order to create the life we imagined, we must focus on what we want, as though we have it already.  Focussing on what you don’t want (or have), is just pushing it further away.  The trick to manifesting the circumstances and things we so greatly desire, is a matter of BELIEVING we already have it.  Consistent small steps coupled with a hopeful positive attitude can achieve anything.  The most successful people in the world have said this time and time again.  They are not afraid of what can go wrong, and focus purely on what is going right.  An analogy I heard Joanne use one time was essentially; When you focus on walking down steps is always the most likely time we trip or fall. but when we aren’t even focused on the steps, we trust that they are there, and trust our rhythm, we never fall.Creating a vision board is a great step to attracting what you want and Joanne outlines how to make one properly here

2. Guidance is there, you just need to listen

Often we are seeking guidance and a sign, in times of confusion and transition.  It is up to us to pay attention.  Signs won’t always scream at us or fall from the sky, but rather sometimes they are the quiet whisper in the night.  Nothing is a coincidence or by accident,  the universe is always working for us and we must follow what feels right.  Not right by anyone else, but what feels right for YOU. 

My own experience of this, which was truly the scariest but best decision I have made was the night before I quit my job and became self-employed in September 2014.I knew deep down underneath my conscious fears, I wanted to quit my job and pursue music, but I was in a comfortable job that just made sense, so I thought.  I had been listening to everyone else’s idea of what life was supposed to look like and believed that I wouldn’t be able to live off music alone. I happened to have an airBnB guest staying with me, Dilara, who was profoundly deaf and had been traveling the world solo for two years.  She showed me the limitless possibilities when you want to do something.  The night before I quit my job, I went to see my naturopath who was frankly saying to me “You need to quit your job”. On my way home I ran into a friend who was running a successful creative agency, who happened to bring up the fact that he has never looked back since becoming self-employed.  As if these weren’t all signs enough, I went to sleep, only to wake up at 2am, turned on my phone and had received an email with a video about “Quitting your 9 to 5 job and pursuing your dreams.”Needless to say the next morning I walked into work and handed in my resignation.This was a defining moment for me, that I chose to not ignore. I listened to my intuition and although my mind tried tricking me multiple times that it was a bad decision, it truly has been the most amazing change to have ever happened in my life thus far!

3. There is always something to learn

Often when we aren’t on track, the universe will do everything in its infinite power to move you back into alignment with the journey meant for you. Even in the midst of this apparent crisis, there is always something positive coming from it.  Whether we need to learn a powerful lesson, change an old habit, heal an old wound or open up space for something better, it is happening FOR A REASON. We must give ourselves time and space to reflect and understand.  Meditation is a powerful tool to calming our mind and the chaos of the external world, to reconnect with our spirit and hear the guidance we need to hear. We need to bring about space in our lives for this to happen.  Check out this article with a recommend free meditation app!

4. We must live in the moment

Both Joanne Antoun and Louise Hay speak of this often and it really resonates with me; If we are constantly believing we can’t be happy until we have the job we want, the body we want, the money we want or the relationship we want, we are literally denying our own existence right now. We are denying ourselves of experiencing life, happiness, and connection with others, because we somehow believe we are not worthy of that happiness.  As pointed out in number 5, if we are constantly focusing on what we don’t have, we then push what we do want further away.  If we aren’t living for right now, we are therefore living in a state of anxiety and fear, which creates a cycle of manifesting THE WRONG THINGS.  We must let go.  This does not mean washing your hands of responsibility, but rather taking a disciplined but positive attitude to life, where our steps are carried out with joy, with a knowing that we will get to where we need to end up.

5. Free yourself from Guilt

I used to say yes to absolutely everything out of guilt that I’d be letting someone down or was being lazy myself.  I completely burnt the candle at both ends and ended up burning out entirely.This was the universe telling me to LISTEN TO MY OWN NEEDS.  We must put ourselves and our needs first, or how else are we going to be there at all for others? Self-care and self-love is not selfish and certainly not something you should be guilty about.  It is something that you deserve.  Not because you have done something to deserve it, but because it is your basic RIGHT to look after yourself and be in the best state you can be in, physically, mentally and emotionally.  The next time another person is trying to pressure you or make you feel responsible for their happiness, you must remember that you come first and you must honour this. If you feel you want to explain yourself to them, this is your choice.

Here is a recent video from Joanne Antoun that is a great wake up call!
Find more information and resources at www.joanneantoun.com



Photo credit: http://www.theholisticingredient.com/blogs/wholesome-living/tagged/exercise

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