10 Reasons to Get Out of Bed

I know the feeling and that’s why I am writing this.  Sometimes it all just seems too much and bed feels like your only friend.  You don’t want to face others or try anymore.  It feels pointless and you feel hopeless.  Getting out of the funk seems impossible but here are some realistic ideas and thoughts that might trigger some movement (hopefully from horizontal to vertical):

1. You are here for a reason 

It may not feel like it sometimes but the universe is always working FOR and WITH you. Just like your body is always trying to do its best no matter how badly you treat it, the universe is doing the same.  It is trying to give you the best possible outcome and listen to your wants and needs and thoughts and desires. Put on a guided meditation, empty your mind and feel the inspiration creep in (if you seriously do not want to move).

2. People need you

Don’t for one second think that people don’t care or would not miss you if you weren’t in their lives.  You are special to many people and most (if not all) want the very best for your life and journey.  Your inspire them and they inspire you.  In moments where all you want to do is lay down, remember that you could probably be helping someone right now and will both benefit from each other’s company.  Call a friend or family member and ask if you can do anything to help them. This will place you in a different environment and help break out of a lonely routine of sleeping and being by yourself.  If you don’t feel like socialising with your friends and families there are plenty of local clubs and charities out there! There is no doubt that this will make you feel better.

3. You are already not giving up

You are stronger than you think.  The fact you are reading this shows you have taken the initiative to change your current state and are seeking inspiration.  You are resilient, persevering and have unlimited potential.  You have some work to do and you are going to feel so much better even just five minutes into starting.  As Albert Einstein once said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep balance, you must keep moving.”

4. Your body is not perfect but it is bloody beautiful

How can a body be perfect if no body on Earth is the same? Your body needs you!  Get up and nourish it, drink water, eat some fruit and watch and feel your body do what it needs to do.  Like a child, your body doesn’t care if you are unemployed, broke or just plain down, it still needs your love and care.  It will reward you. I PROMISE.

5. You have your whole life ahead of you

You have hopes and dreams you haven’t yet reached.  They aren’t someone else’s because you created them and so they are YOURS to reach.  Your whole path will keep changing at the most unexpected corners and those possibilities are what makes life a daring adventure.  Where do you dream to go?  Make a vision board and start taking steps towards it!  There are 7.3 billion people in the world.  Imagine the beauty and kindness and love there is out there to discover on top of your own life goals! <3

6. Procrastinating is useless

I read a quote once saying “Be decisive. Right or wrong. Make a decision.  The road is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.”  It doesn’t MATTER if you make a mistake.  My biggest mistakes have lead to my biggest opportunities in my career.  What you see as imperfect or wrong, can be a work of art in the eyes of others.  What you see as pointless can literally change someone’s life. Believe there is a greater good and that every canvas you paint is contributing to the world because it is.

7. You haven’t run out of time

No, you haven’t missed your window of opportunity, doomed to live in a shoebox apartment on the outskirts of town, single, alone with various furry pets. You’ve probably seen the meme circulating the internet about celebrities who became successful later in life. We all have our own path, twisting and turning at the precise pace it is meant to.  As they say, the only time you should look back is to see how far you’ve come.  Stop with the regrets and what if’s, and think about the unravelling future that you get to design. What an amazing thought!

8. Your house is your home

You might dislike your house for whatever reason but it is yours at this stage and it too needs you.  The best thing you can do when in a can’t-be-bothered-to-move phase is creating a positive environment around you and making it your space.  Clean up, throw out those clothes you haven’t worn for years (give them to charity!) and light a candle!  Positive affirmations and gratitude for your home will be returned with good vibes and better sleeps. If you want to do a serious clean and rearrangement, check out the book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo.  It uses the Japanese art of decluttering and organising and it truly will make you love your home.

9. Sleeping is useful to a point

As my dad always used to say “Plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead.”  Well, I love a good eight hour sleep as much as anyone else but he does have a point.  Would you rather waste your minutes, hours and days horizontal, or out there experiencing as much as you can?  Life is fleeting.  We are here for a short time and need to chase what makes our heart beat and fills us with utter bliss.  As children we experience this so often, but into adulthood we tend to lose our curiosity for life and become rigid and routined.  If that is the cause of your lack luster attitude, it is absolutely understandable and equally as fixable.  FORGET the expectations of others and go and do what you want to do.  There was never a handbook on your life and no one should dictate the path of your life.  Tear up the script and become alive again!

10. Because you’d rather have no regrets

The chances of you dying young are statistically very small, so you have a while to go yet.  I know you have a mental bucket list, so you need to physically write it down and start crossing them off.  Go, now, do it – write the damn book, travel the world, start that business, run the marathon, jump out of a plane, climb that mountain!  You are here FOR A REASON. You are here to give love to others, to inspire and be inspired, to lose yourself in laughter and uncover your deepest joy and sorrows.  It is all part of your journey and it is waiting for you. It was no accident that you are here, in this moment, questioning everything.  This is part of your story and what a magnificent story it will be.

Get up and go.

Justine xx

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